Men’s Health

Top 5 Dating Tips for Men and Women

After interviewing gurus that counsel both men and women on dating, we noticed something that was quite curious. Some of their dating advice was actually gender-neutral and could be applied to both sexes. As we see it, good advice is good advice. Here are the top five dating tips for […]

Amazing Facts You Don’t Want To Know About

What kills more people, sharks or toasters?  How many bugs do you eat each year?  What happens to your mattress after 10 years of use?  Watch this video for some amazing facts you probably don’t want to know about!

How To Stay Healthy When Eating Out

How To Stay Healthy When Eating Out

You know how it is. You’ve been a goody two shoes all week, eating nothing but lean protein and grilled veggies to keep that waistline trim. Then, Friday night rolls around, your friends invite you to dinner and your diet goes out the window in favor of mozzarella sticks. Even […]

How To Start Exercising

How To Start Exercising

For people who want to be more vigilant about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, embarking on a dedicated regimen of exercise is a good place to start. But the most challenging aspect of regular exercise for the uninitiated can actually be getting started. Using the same principle that someone with an […]

Does The Paleo Diet Work?

Does The Paleo Diet Work?

Chances are if you’ve been trying to lose weight you’ve heard of the Paleo diet. Actually you may have very well heard of it even if you haven’t. Like many a diet before it, the Paleo diet relies on a set of rules claiming to be based on science. People […]

Three Simple Solutions To Shedding Pounds

Three Simple Solutions To Shedding Pounds

  There are few secrets when it comes to the basics of how to lose weight. But, for a task whose fundamentals are so basic and so universally recognized, slimming down is a goal that eludes a great many adults.  What are the surest ways to shed pounds? The big […]

5 Ways to Beat the Heat This Summer

5 Ways to Beat the Heat This Summer

Whether this summer ends up being a true scorcher or one with even an average amount of heat, there will inevitably be at least a handful of days when the temperature will scale oppressively uncomfortable and perhaps even dangerous levels. In advance of those sweltering days, it is always worthwhile […]

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