Girl Hasn’t Made One Piece of Trash in YEARS!

It’s a given that human beings are the most destructive species on this planet. It’s easy to blame industries for cutting down trees and emitting chemical toxins into the atmosphere but almost we never take responsibility for the pollution we contribute on daily basis. It’s really gross to know that there is a pile of garbage the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean – impacting ocean life in of ways we can’t even imagine.

Thankfully, many people have adopted recycling. However, there are still many items – that one would think are recyclable – but aren’t. With the burden of (ever growing) population, recycling and finding more ways to use our materials appropriately should be of utmost importance. In fact, recycling and properly disposing garbage is something that should be taught to kids at a very young age.

While most continue to add filth to this planet, there are some individuals that are really superheroes when it comes to not adding to the pollution. Lauren Singer, a resident of Brooklyn, is the epitome of how to live green.

Intrigued by nature’s epic-ness and a mindset of protecting it, she adopted a beautiful lifestyle that most environmental enthusiasts can only dream of. She has completely removed plastic from her life; not only does she not purchase anything that comes in a plastic container, she also brings her own shopping bags, uses cotton napkins to clean her house, use mason jars to preserve foods (instead of Ziploc), metal straws, etc. So what about cleaning products and toiletries? She makes her own and even shares her tips and tricks on her site, Her nature game is so strong that she has only collected a medium size mason jar worth of trash in the past two years – let that sink in for a moment!

Now, adapting her lifestyle is not the easiest, but placing a few green alternatives in your life can make a huge difference (if everyone does it) – some are so easy to embrace you feel silly you haven’t put it to practice already; bringing reusable bags when you shop is a great example.

The best part about following this lifestyle is that it encourages you to stay healthy also – by not buying packaged junk food and actually eating whole natural foods and also using natural and safe ingredients to meet all your needs; so not only do you help the nature, but you also extend your longevity!

Start with baby steps and work your way up. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll get to the point where you consider using discarded perishable foods to nourish the land.

Check out her awesome story and her website – let’s take part in preserving our planet as much we can!

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