How Greed is Directly Affecting What You Eat

Farming is not a practice that is new to mankind. In fact, over thousands of years, we have understood the science behind farming and have been able to hone our production methods to create the most output. But like anything, if it falls into the wrong hand it can be detrimental to humanity.

While we often associate this analogy with weaponry, farmers today are facing another form of warfare, one of course that is driven by greed. Hiding behind the concept of “curing world hunger”, corporations have justified using aggressive farming practices that put profits their bank accounts in exchange for environmental integrity.

The video above explains the three myths that various agriculture driven corporations have used to justify their immoral practices and offers solutions to these problems through sustainable farming.

One of the topics discussed is genetically modified foods that corporations push through congress under the guise of curing world hunger. Corporations provide the farmers with environmentally harmful chemicals and force small farms to produce the same crop on the same strip of land, when in reality, rotating crops is quintessential in assuring top quality soil – an idea that is universally taught in elementary school.

 “Getting on board means farmers stop practices that keep soil healthy and go for single crops. Livestock that used to be raised on the farm get crammed into polluting factories. To keep this unnatural system going, these farmers now buy expensive inputs all from ever-fewer corporations demanding ever-rising prices. … Pests become resistant, so you’ve got to use more chemicals. Livestock becomes sicker, so you’ve got to use more drugs. Soil loses its natural fertility, so you’ve got to use more chemical fertilizer.”

The video’s second point breakdowns how corporations and farmers are not working hand in hand; in fact, corporations monitor a farmer’s every movement and bully them into often to immoral farming practices. With bills to pay and a life to live and government in corporations’ pockets, farmers are left with no choice but to bind to the demands.

Lastly, the video presents information on how corporations want you to believe that we need to double our production in order to be able to sustain living 20-30 years from now; and of course, they have the chemicals and technology we need to make it a reality.

“The sustainable farm is better for farmers and the environment, but can it really feed the world? Study after study is saying yes. Sustainable farms produce as well and, in drought years, even better. This is important news for small farmers, who already grow 70% of the world’s food. To increase production, they don’t have to follow the chemical path.”

Wide scale awareness must be made about these truths because we simply cannot allow corporate greed to steer our future. NASA has recently released a report predicting a megadrought – we encourage you to check our post on the topic. Continuing our current farming trend is only adding to the megadrought’s inevitability. With sustainable farming practices, not only can we continue to thrive, but we can also allow the environment to rejoice as well; particularly the innocent animals who simply do not deserve to be treated with such cruelty.

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